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Archival complex: Prefettura di Agrigento, Intendenza e atti della Prefettura di Girgenti 1827-1887, busta n° 482
Sender: Commissione di Antichità e Belle Arti di Sicilia
Recipient: Ai Sig. Componenti la Commissione di Antichità e Belle Arti in Girgenti
Place: Palermo
Date: 1834
Content: The document provides information on the restoration work in the Temple of Jupiter and Hercules. Under the plans of the Temple of Jupiter there are capitals and column shafts covered with grass and it is hypothesized that there could have been the temple of Castor and Pollux there. The Temple of Hercules is all ruined, but the boulders that made it up are all existing even if some are corroded and broken, only one standing column and some half columns remain. It is proposed to take over the plant and raise the temple and for these interventions the Commission requests a report with the sum for the expenditure.