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Archival complex: Prefettura di Agrigento: Atti finanziari e di Pubblica Sicurezza 1828 - 1905, busta n° 50
Sender: Commissione Conservatrice di Antichità e Belle Arti della Provincia di Girgenti
Place: Girgenti
Date: Nov. 21, 1883

Content: Minutes of the session of the Conservative Commission of Antiquities and Fine Arts which met on 21 November 1883 under the presidency of the prefect Giuseppe Sensales. It is decided to thank the Government for the appointment of the Technical Commission to study the state of the Agrigento monuments by communicating the appropriate restorations and excavations to be carried out; the Ministry of Education is also asked to print the studies and discoveries made by the technical commission, to draw up a topographical map of ancient Agrigento and its monuments to form a valuable monograph.