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Archival complex: Prefettura di Agrigento: Atti finanziari e di Pubblica Sicurezza 1828 - 1905, busta n° 50
Sender: Regio Ispettorato degli scavi e monumenti di Girgenti
Recipient: Prefetto di Girgenti
Place: Girgenti
Date: March 18, 1885

Content: The royal inspector informs the prefect that in the province of Girgenti, in addition to the municipal archaeological museum, there are private collections. The collections of Greek-Sicilian paintings and vases of Baron Giuseppe Celauro, of Mr. Carmelo Buzzanca and of Dr. Gaetano Nocito, also owner of a collection of coins, are mentioned. Finally, the collection of vases by Mr. Ignazio Mendola.