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Archival complex: Prefettura di Agrigento: Atti finanziari e di Pubblica Sicurezza 1828 - 1905, busta n° 50
Sender: Ministero della Istruzione Pubblica
Recipient: Prefetto della Provincia di Girgenti, presidente del Cabag [Commissione Antichità e Belle Arti di Girgenti]
Place: Roma
Date: April 6, 1883

Content: In the document there is a circular on the abuses carried out by the owners who destroy the remains of ancient buildings on their land to build new ones. In the same document, it is ordered to supervise the excavations authorized with a license so that all the data for scientific investigations can be collected and to allow the state the right of first refusal on the objects found in case the owner wants to sell them.