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Archival complex: Prefettura di Agrigento: Atti finanziari e di Pubblica Sicurezza 1828 - 1905, busta n° 51
Sender: Regio Ispettorato degli scavi e monumenti di Girgenti
Recipient: Prefetto di Girgenti
Place: Girgenti
Date: July 25, 1883
Content: Note by Giuseppe Picone in which the situation of the Agrigento monuments is illustrated, proposing some solutions relating to excavations and restorations. Picone suggests the restoration of worn parts only in cases of danger and necessity. He suggests avoiding the action of external agents through a transparent coating. He points out, among other things, the poor condition in which the temples of Juno Lacinia and of Concordia are found, which need to be restored. He invites us to deepen the excavations at the temple of Hercules. Finally, he thinks it is appropriate to draw a geometric plan of the area of the ancient city and its surroundings with the related monuments.